TuffWrap kept a production facility up and running. Frameless Walls were used to keep a furniture retailer’s showroom open during the expansion of the building.

When a furniture retailer decided to renovate its facility, it ran into a problem. The renovations, which were extensive, risked shutting down the showroom and interrupting business. They needed a way to perform renovations without throwing dust and debris into the showroom.

Fortunately, the project manager reached out to TuffWrap for assistance. The solution to their problem was one of Tuffwrap’s signature Frameless Walls. The wall was used to separate the showroom from the renovations, meaning sales activity wouldn’t have to slow down to accommodate the work. A Zipper Doors ensured that crew and employees had easy access to and from the showroom.

When the job was done, the retail client was thrilled with TuffWrap’s solution to the problem. Without having to divert resources to coordinating renovations and shutting down the showroom, they were able to maintain their regular schedule without interruption.