TuffWrap kept parts rolling off the line. TuffWrap SmartSeam® Suspended Cover was used to keep a vehicle manufacturer operating during a roofing project.

When it came time to replace the roof of their largest manufacturing plant, this Automotive Manufacturer was worried about having to close down the facility in order to complete repairs. If they had to close, production of vehicles around the country would have been delayed, and part delivery would have been interrupted for numerous service locations.

Fortunately, their roofer reached out to TuffWrap to provide a temporary protection system. We used our signature SmartSeam® Suspended Cover to protect the production lines while roof work went on above them. We were able to accommodate their production schedule and construction timeline, and installed the suspended cover over the course of three weeks.

When the work was underway, the facility asked if we could take care of some of the dust that had been sitting on the roof deck for years. We used High Structured Dust Removal during takedown to leave the facility cleaner than it was before the project.